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Methodist Way of Life

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New to the Methodist Way of Life?
A Methodist Way of Life is a way of living. It is how we try to live our lives in response to God's love, made known to us in Jesus.
A Methodist Way of Life is both new and old. It is new, in that Methodists first discussed such a way at the 2018 Conference, although it is based on Our Calling, agreed in 2000. That, in turn, was built on what Methodists have always done, since the days of John Wesley, in trying to follow Jesus and live out the Christian faith – just as those first followers in Acts did.
May we be a blessing within and beyond God's Church, for the transformation of the world.


To find out more, take a look at the two videos here by clicking the thumbnails (images with arrows in the middle).

The first is a brief introduction the Methodist Way of Life.


The second is a video in which the Rev Dr Roger Walton explains more about just what is the Methodist Way of Life.

There is a wealth of resources about MWOL on the Methodist Church website. They include these two videos and more for you to watch, as well as books and cards and other worship material. There are also service plans which could be used by churches during Local Arrangements, for study groups or for personal reflection at home.

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To access these resources, follow this link

You may be familiar with the pocket-size booklets – A Brief Guide to A Methodist Way of Life.

mwol conversation card

The link below includes an introduction to Proclaiming the Way, which provides notes for preaching on the twelve commitments of A Methodist Way of Life, each written by a different author. The sermon material is accompanied by prayer and worship resources as well as suggestions for follow-up discussions in small groups.


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Registered Charity No. 1129509