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3GEN awaits for Tynedale youngsters

three gen

3 Generate is nearly upon us (it's earlier this year 30th September to 2nd October) and Rowena Plant has provided this short article, written by the young people of Stocksfield Methodist Church, who are attending.

It's fantastic news that the children and youth assembly will again be taking place at the NEC this year.

3Generate takes place from Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October 2022. Vita, Tilly, Becky and Luca are attending from Stocksfield Methodist Church. Luca has a specific role, being a Methodist Youth Rep and is helping host the Theatre venue.

This year's theme is 'Hearing God's Voice'.

Venues in the 3Gen town – there are places to go on a voyage of discovery: where children and young people can spend time listening, being in conversation, reflecting on faith, encountering God, sharing their thoughts and growing together. Here are some of the venues we can explore: the Town Hall, The Great Outdoors, Park, Arena, Health & Wellbeing Centre, On the Margins, Art Studio, Theatre Royal, The Chapel, Tech Hub, Hope & Anchor, Sensory Space, The Recreation Ground and take part in mass worship altogether.

3Gen 2022 is a great chance to deepen relationships and build friendships. It's the perfect opportunity for children and young people to have fun and spend time together. There is a real energy and power at residential events and experience tells us that they can have huge and lasting impact everyone, child, youth or adult and on their faith development too.

There is something very powerful about coming together, celebrating with others from across the country and having a sense of belonging, being part of the wider church.

Accommodation at 3Gen 'The Village' is an incredible indoor sleeping, living and resting space. There will be large walk-in tents for leaders, surrounded by pop up dome tents for our group. We will need to bring a sleeping bag or duvet and a pillow, but other than that, we are covered! The best part? All of this will ready and set up before we arrive!

Leaders Angie and Ruth will be our leaders for the weekend and Rowena is volunteering on the Roving Youth team. Edna will also be there as a leader too, for Kidlington Methodist Church.

We ask for your prayers as we prepare for our journey and for 3Generate itself. We thank you for enabling us to attend, by buying our tickets. We look forward to being able to share with you our experiences, enthusiasm and our faith, when we return!

Vita, Tilly, Becky and Luca.

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Registered Charity No. 1129509