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An Exciting Future, A Church for Slaley Village

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slaley harvest 2017 1

Over recent months the Church Council at Slaley Methodist Church have been discussing the future of the Chapel. The Methodist Chapel opened in 1900 and over the last 117 has been a remarkable witness to the village. In more recent years the numbers on a Sunday have reduced and with this the resources available, human and financial, to keep the Chapel going have diminished. At the same time the Chapel and St Mary's, the village Parish Church, have been working more closely together; holding joint services each month, starting an ecumenical house group and a Messy Church in the Commemoration (Village) Hall. The Churches have decided it is now time to take a new step forward together and to worship together in the same place at St Mary's – 'A Church for Slaley Village'.

A new and far more inclusive pattern of worship will start in the New Year with a service every Sunday. There'll be a new 'all age' service and on at least one Sunday each month a Methodist Minister or Local Preacher will be invited to lead a distinctly Methodist service. Messy Church, which is run with our friends and partners from St Elizabeth's, Minsteracres will still take place in the Commemoration Hall each quarter.

Like any new adventure with God the detail will evolve and change as we journey with God but at the heart of this new adventure is the belief that 'A Church for Slaley Village' is God's initiative.

Alongside all the excitement about this new beginning there is also a deep sadness that the time has come to say thank you to God for the Methodist Chapel and to let go of a building which has served the community for 117 years. The final services at the Chapel will be on Sunday 26th November, a service of Holy Communion at 10:45am and a service of celebration and thanksgiving followed by a tea at 3pm.

The first united service of 'A Church in Slaley Village' will be at St Mary's on Sunday 3rd December at 10:45am and will be led jointly by the Vicar Rev. Helen Savage and the Methodist Minister Rev. David Goodall.

Everyone in Slaley is invited to these services as we give thanks to God for the life and ministry of the Methodist Church in Slaley on 26th and to pray for God's blessing on a new future together.

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Registered Charity No. 1129509