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Encounter – a place to meet with God

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Have you ever wondered whether there's a God?

It might seem a strange question for the Circuit website, but it's a question which is being put to everyone in the Tyne Valley, regardless of whether they are churchgoers or not.

It's part of a new series being launched by Rev Gareth Sherwood, which invites people to come and have an encounter with God.

The first session will take place on Monday 6th June at Hexham West End Methodist Church, at 7.30pm. It is set to continue on the first Monday of each month thereafter.

The initiative is for all who wish to encounter God, with the hope that those who have had an encounter, invite those who haven't.

Rev Gareth explained: "We are confident that God wants to meet every single one of you. We have created a space with music, art, and the opportunity to hear from others who have encountered God.

"Whether you are a committed Christian, an atheist, or somewhere in between, we welcome you to Encounter, a place to meet with God."

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Registered Charity No. 1129509