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Now Is the Time To Worship

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On Sunday evening over 350 Christians for across the Tyne Valley met at Hexham Mart for an event organised by Churches Together in Hexham called Now Is The Time To Worship.

The event was inspired by a vision given to Carol Charlton, a member of Hexham Trinity Methodist Church, to bring Christians together from across the Tyne Valley to worship God in song and hear stories of what God has been doing in Tynedale and beyond.

The music was led by musicians from different Churches in Hexham and stories and testimonies were shared by Christians of God's challenge to mission, of the power of the Holy Spirit and of letting God be Lord of our lives. The evening finished by praying for the Tyne Valley facing the North, South, West and East and praying for God's mission in those places.

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Registered Charity No. 1129509