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Stan Rowntree – 60 Years as a Local Preacher

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On Sunday June 25th at Haltwhistle Chapel, Stan and Robina Rowntree celebrated 60 Years of Stan being a Local Preacher. A special sevice was held at the Chapel with family and friends attending. Stan chose Psalm 23 and John 1:19-28 as the readings to be preached on. In these passages of scripture we have John pointing to Jesus and away from himself and David trusting in God for all he needs and more. And this is exactly what Stan has been doing throughout his discipleship and ministry and preaching. He has been trusting and relying on God to be his strength, to guide him, to feed him – and not doing it under his own steam. And as he ministers, he has been pointing people to Jesus Christ his Lord and Saviour – pointing away from himself towards the Lord. Stan has been a witness to Jesus Christ as he has preached over 60 years – just as John the Baptist was a witness. He has planted seeds in people's lives, and prepared the way for the Lord in their hearts and minds, all the while pointing, pointing towards Jesus, the true Messiah.

Stan started his Local Preacher studies in 1954 and came not full plan in 1957. Stan liked to be fully itinerant and would go wherever he was sent, blocking no dates other than his holidays. He loved all different aspects of putting a service together and sharing it with the congregation. Stan with Robina spent a good deal of time at their local Halton Lea Gate Chapel enjoying worship and fellowship with others from the village. The chapel closed in the early 90's but the community of Christians moved over the road to the school room. After very faithful and long service at Halton Lea Gate, when worship ceased there, Stan and Robina came to Haltwhistle Chapel where their love of God and faithfulness in discipleship still shine through. He has served for 60 years – faithfully, with good grace and a humble heart – and with Robina at his side. We give God thanks for their service and witness.

Rev. Alex Dunstan

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