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Local Arrangement? No problem!

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One of the great joys of being part of a Circuit is that we can share resources.

The Circuit Plan enables Ministers and Local Preachers to travel between our churches, bringing variation and a different voice to services on Sundays and at other times of the week.

Every so often, however, there's an occasional week when members are asked to come up with their own creative ideas.

Yes, the Local Arrangement is nothing new, but it has an important role in ensuring effective worship on those particular days.

But it doesn't have to be a struggle – there are many options and much support is available.

Video Service
These have become a regular part if worship during the pandemic. The Circuit now produces a 'Worship for the Week' video service which is published on our website and social media platforms.

However, the pre-recorded services are for the most part designed to be re-used. A full service lasts from anywhere between 20 and 40 minutes, and includes a welcome and conclusion, prayers, hymns and songs, sermons and blessings. They are currently available online, but can be obtained from the Circuit office for use during Local Arrangement services.

Churches could play the whole service, or even just the sermon if they wish to choose their own hymns and prayers.

Online resources

There are many worship and learning resources online at the Methodist Church official website (www.methodist.org.uk) as well as other websites, such as Roots Material (www.rootsontheweb.com) and The Vine Material (www.theworshipcloud.com).

Anyone with internet access can explore these as well as our own resources at the Circuit website (www.tynedalemethcircuit.org), where there is a wealth of services and videos (including Worship for the Week), under the Devotional Resources and Latest News sections.

Do it Yourself

Please see the attached poster for a few inspirational DIY ideas. It also encourages churches to join together for worship.
Click on the poster to view full size.

If you are organising a Local Arrangement and are looking for assistance, contact Joseph Tulip, the Circuit's Communications Co-ordinator, who is happy to help, on (01434) 601 055, or 07824 303 493. You can also email joseph via joseph.tulip@tynedalemethcircuit.org

© 2025 – Tynedale Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1129509