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MWiB service in Tynedale next month

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***CHANGE OF VENUE*** this service is now being held at Prudhoe Methodist Church

Everyone from across the Tynedale Methodist Circuit is being encouraged to attend a special service which will take place next month.

Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) will host the service, at Corbridge Methodist Church on Thursday 17th March, at 11am.

This will be an induction service to welcome in Lynne Graham as the new Newcastle District MWiB president elect.

All are welcome. If you can make it, please bring a picnic lunch to share in fellowship after the service.

MWiB is a self-financing volunteer-run charity within the Methodist Church in Britain.

Attending the service is a good way of supporting the much-needed charitable work of MWiB.

The aims of MWiB are three fold:

To bring women together, encouraging one another to know Christ and to make him known, as Methodist women and as part of the wider Church in the world;
To encourage, resource and train women members of the Methodist Church, equipping them to participate more fully in the wider church and in society;
To connect women in Britain with women overseas, working in partnership with others to raise awareness of and act upon issues of social justice around the world.

It does this by:

Providing fellowship and training events, including the annual residential conference, pilgrimage opportunities, and one-day events;
Producing print and online resources and publications, for worship and spiritual growth, and for advocating and providing information on issues of social concern;
Highlighting areas of need and raising funds or providing other goods or services to support partners and agencies working to alleviate poverty and injustice.

For more information visit https://mwib.org.uk/

© 2025 – Tynedale Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1129509