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Roger Jones musical weekend at Haydon Bridge, June 11th -12th Participants needed!

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Participants are being sought for a musical weekend led by Roger Jones, which will take place within the Tynedale Methodist Circuit, at Haydon Bridge this summer. Here, DEBORAH BELL explains more about the event and how you can play your part.

This year, Haydon Bridge Methodist church is looking forward to hosting a very special musical weekend led by Roger Jones and his team from Christian Music Ministries.

Over the past forty years Roger has written over twenty Christian musicals which have been performed across the UK. We are excited that he is returning to Haydon Bridge with his team in June (Saturday 11th – Sunday 12th) to lead a musical workshop weekend for us.

This is to learn one of his newest musicals 'Torn Curtain'. The musical is a series of eleven songs with narration between, which focus on the idea of the torn curtain and how, because of Jesus' sacrifice we can now come to God freely without any barrier.

We are looking for choir members, soloists and narrators to take part in the weekend itself, but Roger will also be bringing some team members to help out. This really is open to anyone (church-goer or not) who would like to take part, no matter your ability, and be part of a weekend of praise and fellowship.

The weekend will end with a performance of the musical on the Sunday afternoon in front of an audience. The choir will be performing to a backing track supplied by Roger.

While the team can teach the singers/narrators from scratch on the weekend, a bit of preparation is always useful. We are hoping to have a few practices for the choir at Haydon Bridge in the months leading up to the event. Attendance at the practices isn't essential, you can just come for the weekend in June, (but we will need to order music for you in advance.)

All participants will also be given a part CD for practise at home.

We are also looking for someone to help with the running of these few rehearsals. If you would like to have a go at leading choir practices, or wouldn't mind playing piano for these, we'd love to hear from you. (Roger will be leading the choir himself on the weekend and will be performing to a backing track).

If you are interested in taking part in the choir or as a narrator, please do get in touch, and we can let you know about rehearsal times and order you some music and a part CD (there will be a small fee for this).

Alternatively, if you are interested in being part of the organisation team, we are holding a meeting on Thursday 20th January at 7pm in Haydon Bridge Methodist Church. Please do come along if you are interested in helping with this side of things.

A video premiere of the musical can be viewed on YouTube, if you search for 'Torn Curtain Roger Jones'. Of course, our version will look different, but it gives a good idea of the music.

We are looking forward to welcoming Roger and his team and having a praise-filled weekend of music!

Deborah Bell

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