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Roger Jones musical weekend – practice sessions to begin

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Practice sessions ahead of a very special weekend of praise and fellowship are set to get underway later this month.

As previously reported, seasoned composer Roger Jones will lead a two day musical workshop at Haydon Bridge Methodist Church, on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th of June, with his team from Christian Ministries.

It will be based on one of Roger's newest musicals, 'Torn Curtain' -- a series of eleven songs with narration in-between, focusing on the idea of the torn curtain and how, because of Jesus' sacrifice we can now come to God freely without any barrier.

Following two successful meetings and Circuit-wide publicity, volunteers have come forward to join the choir and help with narration, while a pianist and conductor has stepped forward to help during practice sessions.

The first practice session will take place at Haydon Bridge Methodist Church on Friday 18th March, at 7pm. There is still a need for singers to join the choir, both male and female. In particular, there is currently a shortage of bass singers.

Anyone who would like to be involved is being encouraged to get in touch. Whether you'd like to sing, help with narration, support the team of organisers, or even be part of the audience, please make yourself known. All singers are welcome, regardless of ability, from novices to seasoned choir performers.

Attending the practice sessions is not essential, but is advised if possible. All participants will also be given a CD of their part, for practise at home.

The weekend itself will end with a performance of the musical on the Sunday afternoon in front of an audience. The choir will be performing to a backing track supplied by Roger.

Over the past forty years Roger has written over twenty Christian musicals which have been performed across the UK.

A video premiere of the musical can be viewed on YouTube, if you search for 'Torn Curtain Roger Jones'. Of course, the Haydon Bridge version will look different, but it gives a good idea of the music involved.

For more information contact Deborah Bell on 07990928976 or by email at clocktowerbells@hotmail.com

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