As previously reported, the Welcome Service for our new ministers, Rev Fiona Calverey and Rev Michael Holland, will take place at Hexham Trinity on Sunday (4th September), at 3pm.
Chair of District, Rev Stephen Lindridge, will be preaching, and everyone is welcome to attend.
For those who can't make it, the service will be live-streamed and available to watch as it happens via Zoom.
Follow this link to watch via Zoom.
You may be asked to enter a Meeting ID and Passcode. If so, here they are below, alongside a phone number in case any assistance is required.
Meeting ID: 897 5629 0021
Passcode: 611058
Phone: 0131 460 1196
Alternatively, if you go straight to the Hexham Trinity Facebook page, the service will be screened on there.
Follow this link: