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Wesley Weekend – Tony Buglass

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Anyone signed up the Great 50 Days email community will receive some engaging content with Tynedale connections this weekend.

Wesley Weekend is a series of short emails put together by Tricia Mitchell, of Learning Network North East, and Tynedale Circuit Supernumerary Minister, Rev Tony Buglass.

Here is what they had to say: "On the 21st and 24th of May 1738 Charles and John Wesley each experienced God in a transformative way.

"This weekend we mark the anniversary of those two events with four short emails taking the words of John and Charles to help us to remember the impact of these two evenings on the two men.

"We are calling this 'Wesley Weekend' and look forward to sharing in this story with you."

If you would like to receive this series please follow the link below. Make sure you tick the box for the Great 50 Days / Summer reflections.


If you have any problems subscribing, don't worry. We will publish the material on the Circuit website next week and make it available to anyone who wishes to receive it.

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Registered Charity No. 1129509