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Regular Activities

inside catton methodist church

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Our Chapel offers a computer club on a Tuesday afternoon, a slimming support group on a Thursday evening and a lunch club on the first Thursday of every month.

Computer Club

We meet as a group to help one another. Some of our members are complete beginners and have not used computers at all. None of us are experts but we are lucky enough to have several people with enough knowledge that most of the people who want help find it useful. The club is a very friendly group and most help is given one to one. Sometimes we have a visit from Barclays Digital Eagles. Their last visit helped us to learn about privacy on Facebook. We always welcome new members whether you would like to learn or to teach others.

Slimming Support Group

We meet every Thusday evening , one week we have a full meeting with some diet advice or a quiz and some tasters and the next is just a weigh in. We have a whole range of diets to suit everyone. Group encouragement really helps. Why not come and lose a few pounds before Christmas.

Community Lunch

The lunch is open to all and is held on the first Thursday of the month from 12.30pm. We offer a 2 course home cooked meal followed by tea/coffee for £6. In December we provide a full Christmas meal, all locally sourced.

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Registered Charity No. 1129509