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Corbridge Methodist Church is a small but active community of Christians, committed to welcome and hospitality, worship and learning, good pastoral care and to God's mission through our witness and service in Corbridge and the surrounding villages.

This has been a considerable year of change for Corbridge. Our building closed at Easter 2022 after being at the heart of the community for over 150 years. This rich history was commemorated at a special service on 26th March 2022, which recognised the lives and witness of many good Methodist people who brought their influence to the church and community.

But while the historic building closed, the church is continuing to flourish, and the congregation is continuing to meet at various locations within the village and we are continuing our work in the

We have received a warm welcome by our friends at St Andrew's Church in Corbridge, where we meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Our services take place at St Andrew's and they begin at 10am, led by our Minister, Rev Marie Beard.

Come and join us as we share fellowship and worship God together. We go for tea, coffee and cake in the community afterwards, thus supporting a local business.

© 2025 – Tynedale Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1129509