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About Wylam Methodist Church

Our Congregation

Our congregation ranges from small children to people in their nineties, from many walks of life.

Our Mission Statement

Our Aims

To be a Christian Church:-

  • which worships God in a vital way
  • where everyone is welcome and accepted
  • where faith in Christ is a growing experience through prayer, Bible study, fellowship and Holy Communion
  • which expects the Holy Spirit to be at work

Our Commitment

To share in God's mission locally, nationally and worldwide, by:-

  • announcing the good news of God's love and inviting others to follow Jesus Christ
  • caring service in our community
  • joining in the struggle for justice, freedom and peace
  • responsible use of God's resources and gifts
  • working closely with people of other Churches and groups


As well as our Sunday morning service, we have these regular events:

  • Soft Play for toddlers, as a service provided to our locality, and helping us make links between church and community.
  • Messy Church which provides a more accessible form of church for young families.
  • A Prayer meeting on a monthly basis for the whole church, and an early-morning, ecumenical prayer breakfast for men.
  • Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) meets to support women in their faith.
  • Two42, a fellowship group which meets each Sunday evening and draws in people from other chapels and denominations as well as our own.
  • A House Group which meets fortnightly in the homes of its members.

From time-to-time we provide

  • Alpha courses for those enquiring about faith, and the
  • Compass course for those looking to deepen their walk with God.

Experience of God

Like everyone, our experience of life is wide and varied, with joys and disappointments. Our faith is in the God who loves us and is with us in all circumstances of life. Many will testify to the strength and comfort his presence brings.

Recent Months

We have our eyes set on growth and have begun a new building project to modernise and enhance our building and its usefulness. We have been greatly encouraged by the way funds have grown towards meeting the cost of this work.

Growth is not just about numbers: we seek to deepen our faith to and grow in discipleship. To this end we have introduced Compass, a discipleship course open to all.

© 2024 – Tynedale Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1129509