Worship: Our regular congregation, numbering around forty, share in Sunday morning worship at 10.30 am. Services are a mixture of traditional and more modern worship, where we have a music group and worship leaders to assist the preacher. To enhance and to make it easier to engage in the worship we have large screen monitors and a hearing loop system. After church we stay and have coffee together.
Daily prayers, events and information can be found on the church's Facebook page: Prudhoe Methodist Church Friends.
Churches Together: We collaborate very closely with other churches in the town including meeting for an ecumenical prayer group every Friday morning at 8.30 (see Facebook for location as this moves around!) and from time to time we enjoy a joint coffee time with St Mary Magdalene's Anglican Church across the road.
Youth Work: We have a Youth Worker running a range of activities for children in schools locally and in the Church. The very popular Prudhoe & Stocksfield Churches Holiday Club is five mornings of FREE activities held at the Church in the first week of summer holidays and is run by local churches.
Bairns & Brews is a Café & Toddler Group in the Church Hall, that meets on Thursdays 10-11.30am (termtime). Play-time for the bairns, chill-time for you. £1 per cuppa with free refills. Further details look on the Church's Facebook page: Prudhoe Methodist Church Friends or contact: peter@thischurch.com
Baptisms: We will be delighted to welcome you and your family to church for your children's baptism. Contact Rev Fiona on revfionac@gmail.com for details.
Weddings: We love to share in your special day and welcome everyone regardless of gender! Contact Rev Fiona on revfionac@gmail.com for details.
Lettings: We have a huge range of rooms available for letting. Please contact Peter Chapman via peter@thischurch.com for costs and availability.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Useful directions for finding the church:
Coming from the west on the A695, the church is on the right side of the road just before the main shopping area. Coming from the east on the same road, it is on the left after the shops.
As a community, we seek to celebrate God's presence in our lives and share God's good news through words and actions. We are excited by the way God's Spirit is moving in our community.