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Tuesday Coffee Drop-in – beginning on 3rd March and then for each Tuesday in Lent the Rev Marie Beard will be leading a short time of reflection for the season at 11.00am. A similar series took place in Advent and helped us prepare for the run up to Christmas.

Lent lunches – these begin on Wednesday 4th March at 12.15pm in the Church Cottage and continue through Lent.

Maundy Thursday (9th April) – communion service in the church at 3.00pm led by Rev Marie Beard

Good Friday – last year the tradition of a short open-air service in the market place was revived. As this was well supported it will take place again this year from 1.30pm to 1.45pm, after which we shall carry the cross to a service in this church at 2.00pm led by our minister and Rev David Kennedy. Again as last year, we shall be giving out hot cross buns to people in the market place to remind us all of the Good Friday message. Please support this event.

Easter Sunday – Celebration Communion led by Rev Marie Beard at 10.45am. Then at 6.00pm there will be a united service at St Andrew's for all in Corbridge.

Church Anniversary Weekend 30th/31st May – on the Saturday evening there will be a quiz and supper, then on the Sunday Rev Marie Beard will lead a Pentecost celebration at 10.45am. At 6.00pm the congregation from St Andrew's will be joining us for a united celebration to mark the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early church.

© 2024 – Tynedale Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1129509