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Circuit Welcome Service

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On Sunday 4th September the whole of the Tynedale Circuit gathered at Hexham Trinity Methodist Church to welcome Rev. Paul Dunstan and Rev. Alex Dunstan.

The service focused on God's call for all Christians to share in his mission as part of God's team. The preacher was Rev. Stephen Lindridge the Chair of the Newcastle Upon Tyne Methodist District who preached on Paul's Missionary Jounrney's in Acts 16. Stephen encouraged everyone present to focus on the task of sharing God's love in the year ahead and to think about how growth can be encouraged in the Churches across Tynedale.

During the service we also welcome Rev. Marie Beard who returns to the Tynedale Circuit as a Minister Without Appointment and Revs. Alan Dawson, David & Marion Proud & Steve Talbot who have all retired to Tynedale.

Paul is the new Circuit Superintendent with responsibility for overseeing the work of the Tynedale Circuit and has particular responsibility for Hexham West End, Acomb and Langley Methodist Churches.

Alex is a Probationer Minister and has responsibility for Haltwhistle, Allendale, Catton, Keenley and Sparty Lea Methodist Churches.

You can read more about Paul and Alex on the Who's Who Pages of the Circuit Website.

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Registered Charity No. 1129509